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After a lengthy break due to the pandemic, kiddush returns to the synagogues of the Jewish Community in Frankfurt.
If you have a simcha coming up, please check our new kiddush , which we have updated specially to meet the needs and wishes of our community.
The new guide includes bespoke preferences around food and drink but also considerably lower prices to make the mitzvah of hosting a kiddush easier for all members of our community.
The guide covers aspects such as:
A) Placing your kiddush order
B) Menu options
C) Bespoke kiddush
If you would like to host a kiddush, please contact the rabbinate of the Jewish Community in Frankfurt to ensure your plans do not clash with anyone else’s for the same Shabbat. The rabbinate will then put you in touch with Sohar’s Catering, who will plan and organise your kiddush with you. The details of what your order covers will be set out in your agreement with Sohar’s Catering, which should then be relayed back to the rabbinate.
If you are interested in giving a joint kiddush with another community member, kiddush-sharing could be an option for you. Please contact the rabbinate to find out more.
Kiddush in the Westend Synagogue
A) Placing your kiddush order:
On placing your order, you will need to pay a one-off fee of €500 for a basic kiddush from Sohar’s Catering for your fellow worshippers. Anything in excess of €500 will be covered by the Jewish Community in Frankfurt. If you order a more elaborate kiddush than the normal (basic) offering from Sohar’s Catering, the €500 basic charge will be adjusted to cover the extra cost.
As before, if you are inviting additional guests (in excess of the current 90 people covered by the basic kiddush order), you will need to cover the extra cost yourself. The price will depend on the number of guests and your choice of kiddush from Sohar’s Catering.
B) Terms and conditions:
Sohar’s Catering does not charge corkage on kosher drinks you bring yourself, nor on any kosher drinks you bring along in addition to what you have ordered from them. A charge is only made if you specifically order additional glasses, cutlery etc. from Sohar’s Catering.
Sohar’s Catering is not under any obligation to provide glasses, cutlery or service for kosher drinks you are providing yourself. This means you will need to bring your own glasses and cutlery. Please consult the rabbinate for details. Single-use cutlery and glasses are recommended.
C) Bespoke kiddush:
You can now opt for bespoke kiddush.
Any drinks, snacks, cakes, fruits etc. that you provide must be kosher and approved as such by the rabbinate of the Jewish Community of Frankfurt. This will ensure that all your foods and beverages meet the requirements of the Westend Synagogue.
When making a kiddush, you can also choose alternative, bespoke kosher (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) drinks, snacks, cakes, fruits, candy bars etc. However, you will need to cover the cost for your bespoke options yourself.
Kiddush at the Baumweg Synagogue
At the Baumweg Synagogue, the basic charge for giving a kiddush is € 180 for fellow worshippers.
Your kiddush will be organised according to the rules of the Westend Synagogue. Please check specifications for the Baumweg Synagogue with the rabbinate.
If you have any questions, the rabbinate of the Jewish Community of Frankfurt will be happy to help.